Category: Uncategorized

New Year, More Gear!

Didn’t think I’d ever go back to flying kites this large but the 12m Aluula Roam blowout I couldn’t pass on. Now if I only had time to get it wet. Screenshot

Work keeps getting in the way of play time

But gear keeps adding up. New favorites are obviously the Aluula kites. The only reason I scored the deals was because a similar situation happened with my Best Cabo’s; company goes out of business and I score a deal off a lifetime.

Her name is Reo and she dances in the wind!

The Cabo has its replacement. An overpriced but fun replacement. The Reo v5 almost feels identical to the Cabo v3. Parhaps a little faster and lighter? That could be just the price talking. Overall I like the kite but need more time in bigger waves and not offshore conditions.

Ozone Reo VS Eleveight WS (Best Cabo)

My beloved 9m Best Cabo v3 is dying and has been for a while. I had a choice to make. Go to the best of the best of what I know and love or heed to the interweb hype and get the Reo. As a dedicated internet hype whore, well you see the pic. Hopefully…

Quarter through 2021 and no udpates

Too lazy to post new toy pix. Peak4 6m and a Slingshot UFO v2 4m. Peaks for the win any day; just don’t drop ’em.

Wing – A – DingDing

I guess it was time to start something new. Picked up the Cabrinha X2 wingding and gave it a few tries on the Slingshot 100L with the GoFoil M280. The wingding needs more wind than a kite but I was gybing, pumping and riding swells on my second sesh. The windsurfing skills kicked right in…

Board Addiction

Three boards in less than a month? Houston, we have a problem. Consumeristic buyer addiction is a disease. Maybe I should join Board Buyers Anonymous? Nah, I’ll wait for a pill to cure me. Damn it! The deals were so good! Luckily only my girlfriend knows and the random user that might hit this page….

Cape San Blas Wind and Waves

Foiling Behind a Waverunner

Learning to foil pump behind a jetski on the GoFoil M280 with the Maliko stab. 16′ wakesurf rope and a few pool noodles to keep it from getting sucked in. Works well but the noodles add some drag when riding the wake. The jetski doesn’t create a lot of wake and although possible to foil…

Away from home

Folly Beach, SC