Board Addiction
Three boards in less than a month? Houston, we have a problem. Consumeristic buyer addiction is a disease. Maybe I should join Board Buyers Anonymous? Nah, I’ll wait for a pill to cure me. Damn it! The deals were so good! Luckily only my girlfriend knows and the random user that might hit this page.
Started with the Slingshot WF2 softop foil/surf/wake crossover. Love these soft top boards! Then saw the 2019 Slingshot Converter on too good of a sale and a coupon pushed me over the edge. Figured I had to get a backup for my perhaps all time favorite board? And then before I could get the new Converter wet, I had to grab the fleaBay deal on the Axis New Wave 5’8. I’ve been curious about this board for a few years. The Spleene Zone 5’4 is my ALL-TIME favorite board and this one seemed very similar but just different enough to warrant a test. It has a tad bit more volume but should still be bomb proof. The paint seems janky and will definitely scratch and chip. The Spleene Zone construction feels better. Similar to a twin-tip but time will tell.
Interesting that the outline on the 2019 and 2017 converters is a bit different. The 2019 didn’t feel a lot different on the water but maybe it turned tighter because of the rear taper?